My First Day

Today was my first day at school. I remember watching older people go to school when I was in college. I wondered what that would be like. Well, now I'm here to tell you.

Institute: We studied about Jesus. There's nothing better than that to start the week.

Visual Culture: What is it like to be an artist? What do we aspire to with art? 

The teacher is a sculptor. He said when he went to school here years ago, there were no sculpting classes. He had to learn sculpting from two watercolor teachers. He decided he wanted to help others so the path they take in art,  won't be as embarrassing and hard as the one he did. Who wouldn't want to learn from someone like that? Thank you, Brad Taggart!

The gym: Chuck and I braved the gym. There were young, handsome strapping men and women there. We overcame our fear and did our wimpy workout. Those younguns can't help but admire us for trying. 

The RV park is cooling off. It's been extremely hot. Luckily, we're in a park with large shade trees. They got some new gravel too, so the potholes aren't bigger than my car. Things are looking up!

Chuck got us a treat to celebrate. Cheers!


  1. It was fun to meet my girlfriend after class.

  2. I'm going to enjoy seeing your adventures. Way to go for you and Chuck. What does Chuck do when you are in class and doing your homework? (David Steele).


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